
This bot can autotranslate your messages in any group chat or use it inline to translate directly in any conversation.

/inline - How to use the inline translation feature
/autotranslate - How to use the autotranslate feature
/feedback - How to use the feedback feature
/upgrade - Unlock the translations limit
/current - Current translations this month
This bot can autotranslate your messages in any group chat or use it inline to translate directly in any conversation.
Hi, I can help you communicate with friends and strangers around the world without
the need of understand each other language

🗣 /inline - Learn how to use the basic translation

🗣 /languages- List of supported languages

🇫🇷↔️🇪🇸 /autotranslation - Learn how to translate automatically your messages inside a group

💡 /feedback - Send feedback to the developer to improve the bot

🆙 /unlock - Unlock unlimited translations and support the developers

👀 /usage - Check your how many translations have you used by far and how many do you have left
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.