Ban Warn Bot

This bot keeps track how often you warned someone and will kick/ban after a set limit.

/listwarnings - Show your own or someone else's warnings
/listallwarnings - Show all warnings in this chat
/getlimits - How many warnings before kicking/banning.
/warn - [reason] - ⛔Warn the user
/setlimit_kick - <n> - ⛔Kicking after n warnings
/setlimit_ban - <n> - ⛔Ban after n warnings
/revokewarnings - ⛔Clear the warnings of a user
Add this bot to your group to keep track, how often you warned someone to behave.

If you add this bot as admin, this bot can also ban users automatically for you, if they were warned to often.

You can set a custom limit after how many warnings a user will be banned. The default is kicking on the 3rd warning.

Part of the @luckydonaldsbots network.
Add this bot to your group to keep track how often you warned someone to behave.

If you add this bot as admin, this bot can also kick or ban users automatically for you, if they got warned too often.

You can set a custom limit after how many warnings a user will be kicked/banned. The default is kicking on the 3rd and banning on the 4th warning.

Part of the @luckydonaldsbots network.

Do you need /help?
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.