Quote Bot

Quote Bot sends you daily quotes from famous books 📚

/subscribe - Subscribes you to the bot, receive daily quotes
/unsubscribe - Unsubscribe you from receiving daily quotes
/quote - Get a quote instantly
/naval - Get an instant quote on health, wealth and wisdom from Naval Ravikant
/help - Gives the list of commands available and what they do
/feature - Lists the features that the bot supports
/recommendbook - List of books which books have shaped the world's most successful people
Quote Bot sends you daily quotes from famous books 📚
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Hello David!
Welcome to Quotes Bot📚! Resurface the best quotes from the famous books.
Run /help to check what all things I can do.
Run /quote to get an instant quote.
Run /naval to get an instant quote on health, wealth and wisdom from Naval Ravikant
Run /recommendbook to see which books have shaped the world's most successful people.

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