buraakiller grouphelp

help you manage your group easily and safely just add me to a group admin ended re-use sitting to setup function

/start - Начать
Edit @bukgrouphelpbot info.

Name: buraakiller grouphelp
Description: Hi ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ!
@bukgrouphelpbot is the most complete Bot to help you manage your groups easily and safely!

👉🏻 Add me in a Supergroup and promote me as Admin to let me get in action!

Press /help to see all the commands and how they work!
About: 🚫
Botpic: 🖼 has a botpic
Commands: no commands yet

Creater @buraakiller
👋🏻 嗨 Debbie!
能幫你便捷安全地管理你群組, Telegram 上 最完善的 機器人!

👉🏻 添加我進入超級群組並賦予我管理員以便我能夠操作!

❓ 指令是什麼?
點擊 /help 查看所有指令以及如何使用它們!
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.