
/creategame - Create a new game
/leavegame - Leave game before start
/countcards - Print current amount of cards
/startgame - Start playing
/prevmove - Get previous move in game
/help - Rules of the game
/hands - List of card hands and suits arrangment
/cancel - Cancel game before start (only for admins)
/stats - Check your stats (with reply to check replied user stats)
/kick - KIck player from game (only for admins)
/top - Get best N players (you should write N)
/findduel - Write to bot to find rating game (findduel x, players with difference at most x)
/help_ru - Хелп на русском
/hands_ru - Описание комбинаций на русском
⚠️ There is no description
Welcome to the CardBluff Bot.
Используй /help_ru чтобы почитать правила.
Use /help to read rules.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.