
CHATEX bot-messenger technology makes crypto exchange available to anyone with a standard smartphone.

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Important Chatex Announcement

CHTX Token sale is canceled.

One of our earliest equity investors has faced a legal case in the United States. As he is an equity investor, the legal case charged to him also applies to Chatex (and other companies he holds equity of).

Unfortunately the above forces us to cancel the token sale. We are deeply sorry for this closure, but the events that led to this are neither associated with our team nor in our control.

For now, we put it on hold until clarification of all of the lawsuit's details. All customers’ funds are safe and secure, but restricted to be moved during the legal case proceeding. We are working to ensure that customers get access to their funds as soon as possible.

Regardless, we remain incredibly grateful for the support of both our community and partners, and hope you recognize that while the sale cancelation is difficult, we feel it as a necessary one.

Chatex Team.
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