Corona Pandemic Bot

This bot gives you up-to-date information on the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 disease.

/help - ℹ️
/world - Worldwide case statistics
/today - Summary of today's cases
/list - List of countries ordered by number of cases
/subscribe - Daily status updates
/unsubscribe - Unsubscribe from daily status updates
/setcountry - Set your country
/graph - Timeline of new cases for the last 30 days
/vacc - Timeline of daily administered vaccination doses
/vaccinations - Timeline of daily administered vaccination doses
/map - Country case distribution map
This bot gives you up-to-date information on the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 disease.

Hello Jermaine!

You have just found @coronapandemicbot 🦠. This bot gives you up-to-date information on the worldwide spread of the Covid-19 disease.

To get a quick overview of the current status, try /today or /world.
You can view detailed statistics of your country by using the country code or name (e.g. /de or /germany for Germany). You can also just type the name (without '/') or use a flag emoji (e.g. 🇺🇸).
A list of all countries by number of cases or vaccinations is available through /list.
Subscribe to daily updates with /subscribe.

For more, see /help.
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