/india -
fetch stats of India press➡️
/statecode -
of India press ➡️
/state -
and then code KA press ➡️
/districtwise -
stats districtwise enter state code ➡️
/listusastates -
List all US states code ➡️
/usastate -
and then code NY press ➡️
/world -
world stats press ➡️
/countrycode -
letter ‘L’ press ➡️
/country -
code NL press ➡️
/topc -
and then num 10 press ➡️
/topd -
and then num 10 press ➡️
/asia -
stats of Asia press ➡️
/africa -
stats of Africa press ➡️
/australia -
stats of Australia press ➡️
/europe -
stats of Europe press ➡️
/northamerica -
stats of North America press ➡️
/southamerica -
stats of South America press ➡️
/news -
fetch COVID19 news press ➡️
/traveladvice -
code NL press ➡️
/repatriationflightfromindiato -
code NL press ➡️