Crypto Converter

Convert cryptocurrency and fiat money.
Use it in any chat!

/convert - [amount] <coin1> <coin2> Convert from coin1 to coin2. You can specify an amount.
/ticker - <coin> Show coin price in Bitcoin (BTC). May be returned in Satoshi if value is too low (1 SAT = 10^-8 BTC).
/price - <coin> Show coin price in USA Dollar (USD).
Convert cryptocurrency and fiat in Telegram chats

👥 In groups:
/convert [amount]

💬 In any chat:

❓ For more help, send /help in private.

👏 This bot has been serving since 2015. If you appreciate it, please consider donating to help us keep our services free of charge.
ETH/ETC: 0x624688e4012c9E6Be7239BeA0A575F8e41B4B3B6

🤓 @Jahus
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