Ez Sticker Bot

Send me photos and I'll turn them into stickers for you.

/help - Get infomation on how to use me
/info - Get information about EzStickerBot
/lang - 🌐 Change bot language
/icon - Create a pack icon
/donate - Get info about supporting EzStickerBot
/stats - Get bot usage and user stats
/langstats - Get language usage stats
/optout - Opt out of receiving bot announcement messages
/optin - Opt in to receiving bot announcement messages
I can help you make stickers quickly and easily.

Send me any photo, sticker, or image file and I'll send back a png file ready to be added to your pack.❗️Send me photos with a transparent background as a file or it will become white.
Hello! I'm EZ Sticker Bot. I can help you make stickers! Type /help to get started or /info to get information about me.

🌐 To change the bot language use /lang.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.