
InLaTeXbot converts LaTeX to images. Type @inlatexbot to start in inline mode or just directly send him your code!

/start - display the greeting
/help - display the help
/abort - stop any ongoing operation
/setcustompreamble - set up a custom preamble
/getmypreamble - see your current preamble
/getdefaultpreamble - see the default preamble
/setcodeincaptionon - add raw code to the caption
/setcodeincaptionoff - no raw code in the caption
/setdpi - set image resolution/control visual font size
InLaTeXbot converts LaTeX to images. You may just type @inlatexbot in any chat and then compose the expression with usual LaTeX syntax until a preview appears. Clicking on the preview will send the image with your expression. Additionally, you can directly send LaTeX expressions to the bot to recieve vectorized graphics as well as the image.
If you have a large expression or need vectorized graphics, you can send me a message with your code here; I'll reply with a PDF and a preview image.

You can also type /help here to see the list of available customization commands.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.