The Job Bot

The job hunter bot. Helps humans to find job offers worldwide and apply for the positions directly from the messenger.

/start - Start conversation
/search - Search for jobs
/profile - Show career profile
/alert - Show job alert settings
/report - Send feedback or bug report
/help - Show help
/info - Show Info
/cancel - Cancel current operation
/menu - Show main menu
Hey! I'm Jobo, the Job Bot.😎 My job is to help you to find your next cool job. To begin just say "/hi" or tap on the "/start" button. 😀
Hey, Gregory. Thank you for testing me. I'm still in alpha mode and I have to learn a lot.
But if you like me a bit, would be great to get your 'Like' on my Fb page Thanks a lot.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.