
A Lightning wallet on your Telegram. Call /help for usage information or join us on https://t.me/lntxbot_dev

/balance - current balance and wallet info
/transactions - your transaction history
/invoice - <satoshis> [description]
/paynow - <bolt11> [amount]
/tip - tip in a reply
/send - <amount> <address>
/apps - list available apps
/giveaway - <amount>
/coinflip - <amount> <nparticipants>
/fundraise - <amount> <nparticipants> <target>
/giveflip - <amount> <nparticipants>
/bluewallet - get credentials for bluewallet.io
/sats4ads - pay and get paid to publish and see ads
/hide - hide a message, get paid to reveal
/toggle - group admin settings
/help - show detailed usage information
/stop - stop receiving messages
A Lightning wallet in your Telegram. Call /help for usage information or join us on @lntxbot_dev. Follow https://twitter.com/lntxbot for updates.
⚡️ @lntxbot, a Bitcoin Lightning wallet on your Telegram.

🕹️ Basic Commands
- Just paste an invoice or an LNURL to decode or pay it.
/balance - Shows your balance.
/tip - Send this in reply to another message in a group to tip.
/invoice - Generates a Lightning invoice: /invoice 400 'split coffee'.
/send - Sends some satoshis to another user: /send 100 @fiatjaf

Other things you can do
- Use /send to send money to any Lightning Address.
- Receive money at yourname@lntxbot.com or at https://lntxbot.com/@yourname.
Do calculations like 4*usd or eur*rand() whenever you would specify an amount in satoshis.
- Use /withdraw lnurl to create an LNURL-withdraw voucher.

🎮 Fun or useful commands
/sats4ads Get paid to receive spam messages, you control how much -- or send ads to everybody. Big conversion rates!
/giveaway and /giveflip - Give money away in groups!
/hide - Hide a message, people will have to pay to see it. Multiple ways of revealing: public, private, crowdfunded. Multimedia supported.
/coinflip - Creates a lottery anyone can join (costs 10sat fee).

🐟 Inline Commands - Can be used in any chat, even if the bot is not present
give - Creates a button in a private chat to give money to the other side.
coinflip/giveflip/giveaway - Same as the slash-command version, but can be used in groups without @lntxbot.
invoice - Makes an invoice and sends it to chat.

🏖 Advanced Commands
/bluewallet - Connect BlueWallet or Zeus to your @lntxbot account.
/transactions - Lists all your transactions, paginated.
/help - Shows detailed help for a specific command.
/paynow - Pays an invoice without asking.
/send --anonymous - The receiver doesn't know who sent them sats.

🏛 Group Administration
/toggle ticket - Put a price in satoshis for joining your group. Great antispam! Money goes to group owner.
/toggle renamable - Allows people to use /rename to rename your group and you get paid.
/toggle expensive - Charge people for saying the wrong words in your group (or left blank to charge for all messages).
/fine - Make people pay you or be kicked from the group.


There are other commands, but learning them is left as an exercise to the user.

Good luck! 🍽️
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.