
/help - show help information
/support - send your message for support
/list - list of your websites
/list_obj - list of your objects
/add - add new website
/add_obj - add new object
/message_url - get url for send free message
/obj_url - get url for send data in your object
/edit - edit your website
/edit_obj - edit your object
/remove - remove your website
/remove_obj - remove your object
/obj_clear - clear object's data
/ping - get ping info about your website
/curl - get curl info about your website
/gen - get info about time content generation
/exp - get info about domain date expiration
/obj - get object's history
/del - delete user account
/login - get pincode for authorization
/lang - change language
/pay - enter your activate code
/info - get info about your subscribe
⚠️ There is no description
Choose language
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.