
🔸 @printfbot - swiss knife post formatting tool.

Support: @RocketBotsBot

/preview - 👀 preview posts
/last - 📨 show last published posts
/settings - 🛠️ settings
/html - 🟠 html formatting mode
/markdown - 🟡 markdown formatting mode
/native - 🟣 native formatting mode
/delete - 🗑️ delete all drafts
/help - ❓ help
/cancel - ❌ cancel current command
🔸 @printfbot - swiss knife post formatting tool.

Creates posts with reactions. You can send text, photo, audio, video, voice or sticker.

News channel: @RocketBotsNews

technical support and bots development, please contact @RocketBotsBot
🔸 @printfbot v2022.01 - swiss knife post formatting tool.

Send me new post. You can send text, photo, audio, video, voice or sticker.

You select html formatting. You can select /html, /markdown or /native formatting mode.
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.