Shieldy is the best solution in Telegram to fight annoying spammers. It asks newcomers to execute a set action within a set period, otherwise it kicks them. It's this easy.
Source: Support: @borodutch_support.
Make sure @shieldy_bot is an admin at your chat and it's all done! You can also further setup the behaviour with the following commands:
/help — shows this message
/language — switches language
/captcha — changes type of captcha used
/timeLimit — changes amount of time given to newcomers
/lock — makes commands accessible only by admins
/restrict — restricts newcomers to send only text messages in the first 24 hours
/deleteEntryMessages — delete messages about user entry
/greeting — greets users who pass the test
/trust — reply with this command to a message sent by user that you don't want to check
/ban — same as trust, but the opposite
/strict — use when you don't want to receive any newcomers' messages but captcha solutions until they pass captcha
/customCaptchaMessage — setup custom captcha message
/deleteGreetingTime — setup when to delete Shieldy's greeting in seconds like /deleteGreetingTime 100, reset by setting it to 0
/banUsers — whether to ban or to kick users
/deleteEntryOnKick — whether to delete entry messages for users who failed captcha
/cas — whether to use Combot Anti-Spam or not
/underAttack — toggle the mode to automatically kick all newcomers
/noAttack — disables Shieldy
/noChannelLinks — automatically delete messages that link to other telegram channels
/viewConfig — view the current Shieldy configuration
/buttonText — change the captcha button text in the form of /buttonText I'm not a bot!
/allowInvitingBots — whether users can invite other bots or not
/greetingButtons — setup buttons for greeting message
/skipOldUsers — don't show captcha to Telegram accounts with ID less than 1000000000
/skipVerifiedUsers — don't show captcha to users who have ever passed captcha in any chat
/setConfig — setup Shieldy configuration in one message
/banForFastRepliesToPosts — turn on or off banning users who reply to new channel posts within 5 seconds after posts are created
/restrictTime — setup how much time will Shieldy /restrict a newcomer in hours like /restrictTime 24, reset by setting it to 0
/banNewTelegramUsers — instantly ban (or kick) newcomers with Telegram ID over 1 000 000 000
Shieldy is a leading solution for fighting annoying spammers on Telegram. The bot asks newcomers to execute specific actions within a set period and, if they fail to do so, rejects them. Originally created by Nikita Kolmogorov, Shieldy was later acquired by the 1inch Labs, which now supports the bot: @borodutch_support.
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