/track -
Download song by the link to the track from SoundCloud
/playlist -
Download song by the link to the playlist from SoundCloud
/help -
Remind what this bot can do
This bot helps you to find and download tracks or playlists from SoundCloud.
I will help you with finding and downloading songs from SoundCloud.
If you need to find some song, just send a song name or singer name. For example: Adele or Lean On
If you have a link to the song or playlist, I will send it to you without asking too much! To practice, try this one: https://soundcloud.com/uiceheidd/lucid-dreams-forget-me
P.S. You can send all this text, and I will find song link for you!!!
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для
того, чтобы комментировать.