/dashboard -
Overview on your planet
/buildings -
Lists your buildings and their jobs
/missions -
Lists your active missions
/destinations -
Map of all discovered planets
/units -
Lists your units and their status
/ether -
Ether Shop: convert Ether into goods
/bosses -
List of all SpaceHunt Bosses
/rebellion -
Contact The Rebellion
/ranking -
Ranking of the best players
/log -
See latest events
/stats -
Global game statistics and information
/help -
Game guide and chat channel
/deconstruct -
Deconstruct units to recover resources and free Hangar space
/name -
Change your username
/description -
Change your user description
/refer -
Refer your friends to earn rewards!
/feedback -
Send feedback to the SpaceHunt team
/settings -
Customize advanced gameplay settings
/msg -
Send a message to a player by its username
/mute -
Mute a player by its username
/unmute -
Unmute a player by its username
/mutes -
Show all muted players
/guilds -
List of Guilds
/guild -
Info on your current guild
/guild_missions -
See all Raids and Transfers from your Guild
/guildmsg -
Send a message to all members of your Guild
/guild_icon -
Change your guild icon to another random animal
/guild_description -
Change your guild description
/guild_leave -
Leave your guild
/guild_dissolve -
Dissolve your guild, must be King
/board -
Read the post board to find guilds
/federations -
Federations information and ranking
/federation -
Detailed information on your Federation
/fed_join -
Join a Federation
/fed_leave -
Leave your current Federation
/newjobadvancedscan -
Advanced Scan
/newjobautoscan -
Automatic Scan
/newjobhyperspeed -
Launch HyperSpeed
/newjobextendplanet -
Extend planet
/newjobmanualscan -
Manual Scan
/newjobpublishtrade -
Publish trade
/newjobrepairunits -
Repair and Upgrade Units
/newjobrepairbuildings -
Repair Buildings
/newjobteleport -
/newjoborbitalmaneuver -
Orbital Maneuver
/newjobgathersunlight -
Gather sunlight
/newjobminecrystal -
Mine crystal
/newjobminemetal -
Mine metal
/newjobgcengage -
Engage Gauss Cannon
/newjobhlengage -
Engage Heavy Laser
/newjobicengage -
Engage Ion Cannon
/newjobllengage -
Engage Light Laser
/newjobptengage -
Engage Plasma Turret
/newjobamengage -
Engage Anti Missile
/newjobbuildcrystalmine -
Build Crystal Mine
/newjobbuildbattery -
Build Battery
/newjobbuilddeathstar -
Build Deathstar
/newjobbuildengineeringbay -
Build Engineering Bay
/newjobbuildgausscannon -
Build Gauss Cannon
/newjobbuildhangar -
Build Hangar
/newjobbuildheavylaser -
Build Heavy Laser
/newjobbuildioncannon -
Build Ion Cannon
/newjobbuildlightlaser -
Build Light Laser
/newjobbuildmetalmine -
Build Metal Mine
/newjobbuildplasmaturret -
Build Plasma Turret
/newjobbuildradar -
Build Radar
/newjobbuildsolarpanel -
Build Solar Panel
/newjobbuildstarport -
Build Starport
/newjobbuildtechnologycenter -
Build Technology Center
/newjobbuildtradebeacon -
Build Trade Beacon
/newjobbuildwarehouse -
Build Warehouse
/newjobbuildsmallshield -
Build Small Planetary Shield
/newjobbuildlargeshield -
Build Large Planetary Shield
/newjobbuildbomber -
Build Bomber
/newjobbuilddestroyer -
Build Destroyer
/newjobbuildlargecargoship -
Build Large Cargo Ship
/newjobbuildliberator -
Build Liberator
/newjobbuildobserver -
Build Observer
/newjobbuildscout -
Build Scout
/newjobbuildsmallcargoship -
Build Small Cargo Ship
/newjobbuildwraith -
Build Wraith
/newjobbuildmassivecargoship -
Build Massive Cargo Ship
/newjobbuildpiercingmissile -
Build Piercing Missile
/newjobresearchtechnology -
Research Technology
/newjobresearchhealth -
Research Integrity
/newjobresearchproduction -
Research Production
/newjobresearchdefense -
Research Shields
/newjobresearchintelligence -
Research Intelligence
/newjobresearchspeed -
Research Thrusters
/newjobresearchattack -
Research Weapons
/deconstructbattlecruiser -
Deconstruct Battlecruiser
/deconstructguardian -
Deconstruct Guardian
/deconstructbomber -
Deconstruct Bomber
/deconstructdeathstar -
Deconstruct Deathstar
/deconstructdestroyer -
Deconstruct Destroyer
/deconstructlargecargoship -
Deconstruct Large Cargo Ship
/deconstructliberator -
Deconstruct Liberator
/deconstructobserver -
Deconstruct Observer
/deconstructscout -
Deconstruct Scout
/deconstructsmallcargoship -
Deconstruct Small Cargo Ship