Search through tens of thousands of games on the Steam DataBase. Easily share games with friends through inline search.
/search -
{query} Search a game
/convert -
{custom id} convert from custom id
/profile -
{steam id} show profile info
/wishlist -
show your wishlist
/settings -
show the settings menu
/help -
show the help message
Search through tens of thousands of games on the Steam DataBase. Add games to your wishlist to get real-time discount notifications. Easily share games with friends thanks to the inline function.
Welcome, И 2 to the steam search bot!
Search through tens of thousands of games on the Steam DataBase. Add games to your wishlist to get real-time discount notifications. Easily share games with friends thanks to the inline function. Doubts? Use /help to get a list of useful commands!
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для
того, чтобы комментировать.