
Create Telegram Stickers and get usage stats for your stickers with this bot.

/newpack - create a new sticker pack
/newmasks - create a new pack of masks
/newanimated - create a pack of animated stickers
/newvideo - create a pack of video stickers
/addsticker - add a sticker to an existing pack
/editsticker - change emoji or coordinate
/replacesticker - replace stickers in a pack
/ordersticker - reorder stickers in a pack
/setpackicon - set a sticker pack icon
/delsticker - remove a sticker from an existing pack
/stats - get stats for a sticker
/top - get top stickers
/packstats - get stats for a sticker pack
/packtop - get sticker packs top
/topbypack - get top stickers in a pack
/packusagetop - get usage stats for your packs
/delpack - delete a pack
/cancel - cancel the current operation
This bot will help you create Telegram sticker packs from pictures. It can also give you some usage stats for your stickers. Commands to start:
/newpack – make a static PNG / WEBP sticker set
/newvideo – make a set of WEBM video stickers
/newanimated – make an animated TGS sticker set
/newmasks – make a static set of masks
/help - full list of commands
Hello, I'm the Sticker Bot! I can create sticker sets from pictures and give you usage stats for your stickers. See this manual for details on creating stickers:

Use these commands to control me:

Stickers & Masks
/newpack – make a static PNG / WEBP sticker set
/newvideo – make a set of WEBM video stickers
/newanimated – make an animated TGS sticker set
/newmasks – make a static set of masks

/addsticker – add a sticker to an existing set
/editsticker – change emoji or coordinates
/replacesticker – replace stickers in a set
/ordersticker – reorder stickers in a set
/setpackicon – set a sticker set icon
/delsticker – remove a sticker from an existing set
/delpack – delete a set

/stats – get stats for a sticker
/top – get top stickers
/packstats – get stats for a sticker set
/packtop – get top sticker sets
/topbypack – get top stickers in a set
/packusagetop – get usage stats for your set

/cancel – cancel the current operation
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.