The Hasher

MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and CRC32 checksums, encode/decode Base64 strings. I can generate strong passwords too

/base64encode - Returns given string Base64 encoded
/base64decode - Returns given string Base64 decoded
/crc32 - Returns given string as CRC32 Hash
/help - Shows bot help
/md5 - Returns given string as MD5 Hash
/pass - Password generator
/sha1 - Returns given string as SHA1 Hash
/sha256 - Returns given string as SHA256 Hash
Hi! I'm The Hasher!

I can calculate MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and CRC32 checksums and encode/decode Base64 strings.
Also I can generate multiple sized random strong passwords.
TheHasherBot v.002

You can use a command by itself or provide a string as argument. Example: '\md5 hello world' to encode 'hello world' using MD5.

Inline mode is also available writing '@thehasherbot string_to_hash' in any chat.

Available commands:

/base64decode - Returns Base64 decoded string of given string
/base64encode - Returns Base64 encoded string of given string
/crc32 - Returns CRC32 hash of given string
/feedback - Sends a message to the developer to report bugs or ask for new features
/help - Show bot commands help
/md5 - Returns MD5 hash of given string
/pass - Password generator
/sha1 - Returns SHA1 hash of given string
/sha256 - Returns SHA256 hash of given string

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