
Uplancebot can help you to keep up with new jobs on Upwork.
Support @help_uplancebot
Chat https://t.me/uplancebot_chat

/start - Start bot
/add_feed - Add new RSS feed
/delete_feed - Delete RSS feed
/list_feeds - List all RSS feeds
/period - Change period for updates
/upwork_status_on - Enable Upwork website status
/upwork_status_off - Disable Upwork website status
/feedback - Send feedback about bot work
/help - Get help
/stop - Stop bot and delete feeds
Uplancebot can help you to keep up with new jobs on Upwork.
Support @help_uplancebot
Chat https://t.me/uplancebot_chat
Bot started.
You can track you jobs using RSS feeds.
You can add multiple feeds.
Let's start with first feed. Please send a name for it.
For example: main
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь, для того, чтобы комментировать.