Utility Tools

| 👨‍💻 Bot created by @refew
📟 @refewdev
💠 youtube.com/c/GabryLuck

/start - Start the bot
/help - Show bot utility
/status - Show bot status
/shortlink - find the contents of the link
/zonetransfer - tool zonetransfer
/reverseip - see the domain from IP
/dnslookup - dnslookup
/subnetcal - subnetcal
/httpheader - see the http header
/subdomain - looking for web subdomains
/nmap - tool nmap
/geoip - tool to find the ip location
/ddos - send many request packets
/layer4 - for layer4layer3
/layer7 - for layer7
/whois - tool who-is
/reversedns - see ip a domain
/testping - test ping
/traceroute - see the path to your destination
/scancms - to scan the cms website
/ipinfo - see the information of an ip
/id - see your telegram ID
/time - see the time from the bot
/echo - dark secret
/creator - see the creator of the bot
/createproxy - generate a proxy
/wpuser - dump user wp
/sms - free sms
/crackmd5 - crack md5
/shitstorm - shitstorm a group
/fakeidentity - generate an fakeidentity
/coder - information about coder
Find it out! 🌚
Scoprilo! 🌝
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