This bot sends you the current Beta of Telegram Android as APK-File.
This bot only supports Android OS.
I and this bot are in no way affiliated with Telegram itself!
Please provide feeback to @zlyfer or Github Issues (see About section for link).
Source of the APK-File is HockeyApp:
✨ This bot dumps every sticker it finds inside a pack as .webp, and sends everything back to you inside a zip archive. With the zip you will receive a list of information about every sticker retrieved. 📦
🖊 Made and mantained by @Delooo. 👤
📍Send a sticker to start! 🔮
This bot removes all messages from non-admins containing a URL. Admins can post URLs. This is to protect your group from scammers and spammers posting links.
Simply invite the bot to be an admin of your supergroup and allow it to delete messages. Make sure you check in Recent Actions to see all my good work!
More info and more bots here:
A general-purpose bot for your groups, from /roll and /hug, to /fish and /kys.
Also features best-in-class Admin Tools like /restrict, /warn, /JoinLimit, and /JoinVerify.
Join @CalsiBotDev to learn more.
Hi there! I'm Randy Marsh. I can randomly select a raffle participant (that hit the "Participate" button) in a chat or a channel.
Source: Support: @borodutch_support.
Hi! I'm The Hasher!
I can calculate MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and CRC32 checksums and encode/decode Base64 strings.
Also I can generate multiple sized random strong passwords.